The GelView 5000Pro II Automatic Gel Imaging System is an instrument for gel imaging of a wide range of UV and blue light-excited samples (EB, GoldViewTM, Gene FinderTM, SYBRTM Green, etc.) as well as visible light-excited samples (silver-stained gels, kojic acid-stained gels, colonies, bacteriophages, microplates, spot hybridization, films, etc.), enabling accurate analysis and processing of bands, spots and any other target area.
5 megapixel ultra-high resolution digital camera
F1.2/8-48mm zoom lens with auto focus
Simple and clear operation interface
Easy setup, quick imaging
Laser positioning system to assist in sample positioning
Cutting gel guard plate to ensure the safety of laboratory personnel
Full-featured analysis software for image processing, grayscale analysis, colony counting and well plate analysis